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Group stage of tournament ESWC South Africa Qualifier - groupes
# Nom Points G N P Avg
1 Energy eSports 9 3 0 0 38
2 Veneration e-Sports 6 2 0 1 6
3 hacKME 3 1 0 2 -17
4 Dynasty Gaming 0 0 0 3 -27
Match du tour 1.
Veneration e-Sports 05:16 Energy eSports
Dynasty Gaming 00:01 hacKME
Match du tour 2.
Dynasty Gaming 04:16 Energy eSports
hacKME 13:16 Veneration e-Sports
Match du tour 3.
hacKME 01:16 Energy eSports
Veneration e-Sports 16:02 Dynasty Gaming
# Nom Points G N P Avg
1 Bravado Gaming 9 3 0 0 30
2 FlipSid3 6 2 0 1 17
3 Bad Habit Boyz 3 1 0 2 -18
4 Voltaic e-Sports 0 0 0 3 -29
Match du tour 1.
Bad Habit Boyz 05:16 Bravado Gaming
FlipSid3 16:02 Voltaic e-Sports
Match du tour 2.
FlipSid3 08:16 Bravado Gaming
Voltaic e-Sports 12:16 Bad Habit Boyz
Match du tour 3.
Voltaic e-Sports 05:16 Bravado Gaming
Bad Habit Boyz 05:16 FlipSid3
# Nom Points G N P Avg
1 Damage Control 9 3 0 0 29
2 dfeKt 6 2 0 1 11
3 Psycho Pandas 3 1 0 2 -8
4 Jukes eSports 0 0 0 3 -32
Match du tour 1.
Psycho Pandas 16:08 Jukes eSports
dfeKt 13:16 Damage Control
Match du tour 2.
dfeKt 16:03 Jukes eSports
Damage Control 16:01 Psycho Pandas
Match du tour 3.
Damage Control 16:05 Jukes eSports
Psycho Pandas 00:01 dfeKt
# Nom Points G N P Avg
1 Eternal Conflict 9 3 0 0 36
2 Ventus Gaming 6 2 0 1 12
3 Anteria | Uncertainty 3 1 0 2 -14
4 Fatal Precision 0 0 0 3 -34
Match du tour 1.
Ventus Gaming 16:04 Fatal Precision
Eternal Conflict 16:05 Anteria | Uncertaint
Match du tour 2.
Eternal Conflict 16:01 Fatal Precision
Anteria | Uncertaint 06:16 Ventus Gaming
Match du tour 3.
Anteria | Uncertaint 16:09 Fatal Precision
Ventus Gaming 06:16 Eternal Conflict
# Nom Points G N P Avg
1 Clutch Kingz 9 3 0 0 22
2 Zero Coalition 6 2 0 1 10
3 Vandalizing Rabbit 3 1 0 2 -29
4 Death Note 0 0 0 3 -3
Match du tour 1.
Zero Coalition 16:00 Vandalizing Rabbit
Clutch Kingz 01:00 Death Note
Match du tour 2.
Clutch Kingz 16:02 Vandalizing Rabbit
Death Note 00:01 Zero Coalition
Match du tour 3.
Death Note 00:01 Vandalizing Rabbit
Zero Coalition 09:16 Clutch Kingz
# Nom Points G N P Avg
1 [email protected] 9 3 0 0 28
2 Nova 6 2 0 1 13
3 Anteria | Enigma 3 1 0 2 -18
4 BerZerK Gaming 0 0 0 3 -23
Match du tour 1.
Nova 10:16 [email protected]
Anteria | Enigma 16:14 BerZerK Gaming
Match du tour 2.
Anteria | Enigma 05:16 [email protected]
BerZerK Gaming 06:16 Nova
Match du tour 3.
BerZerK Gaming 05:16 [email protected]
Nova 16:07 Anteria | Enigma
# Nom Points G N P Avg
1 ApG.Atlas 9 3 0 0 29
2 John.cfg 6 2 0 1 9
3 Taccor Gaming 3 1 0 2 -8
4 Flaunt 0 0 0 3 -30
Match du tour 1.
Flaunt 11:16 Taccor Gaming
ApG.Atlas 16:04 John.cfg
Match du tour 2.
ApG.Atlas 16:10 Taccor Gaming
John.cfg 16:02 Flaunt
Match du tour 3.
John.cfg 16:09 Taccor Gaming
Flaunt 05:16 ApG.Atlas
# Nom Points G N P Avg
1 Above the Law 9 3 0 0 20
2 Rookie Rampage 6 2 0 1 17
3 SuperSerialGamers 1 0 1 2 -18
4 Pixel Hunters 1 0 1 2 -19
Match du tour 1.
Pixel Hunters 11:16 Above the Law
SuperSerialGamers 10:16 Rookie Rampage
Match du tour 2.
SuperSerialGamers 04:16 Above the Law
Rookie Rampage 16:02 Pixel Hunters
Match du tour 3.
Rookie Rampage 13:16 Above the Law
Pixel Hunters 15:15 SuperSerialGamers