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Index du forum > Counter-Strike Source > Tournois online > Tournoi CS:GO CASHTOUR, ce soir
Tournoi CS:GO CASHTOUR, ce soir - 2 messages, 1187 vues
1er message
Par wrap - 29/07/2015 15:41:03
CASHTOUR --- TONIGHT --- 5on5 (CS:GO) --- Registration "CLOSE at 20:45CET --- Bracket at 21:00CET --- Registration FEE: 12 Euros/Team (Paypal only) to: [email protected]

CA$HPRIZES to 1st, 2nd & 3rd teams will depend how many signed up (PS: MATCH and CA$H to 3rd place only if cup have 16 teams minimum) .

Registration & Infos ---> .
Réponse #2
Par wrap - 29/07/2015 15:41:35
Nous comptons sur vous ! Bonne chance !
Réponse #3
Par wrap - 29/07/2015 15:42:54
Les derniers vainqueurs:

r0bs3n mix (Germany): TahsiN (KILLERFISH) J0hnny (KILLERFISH) r0bs3n (KILLERFISH) aykeN dukiiii .
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